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Tuesday, 28 December 2021




            INTRODUCTION World War I started in 1914 and ended in 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (Central Empires) fought Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States. Combined Power). Thanks to new military technology and the horrors of canal warfare, World War I brought unprecedented levels of genocide and destruction. When the war ended and the United States declared victory, over 16 million people — soldiers and civilians alike — were killed.

               WHAT IS COLONIZATION      Colonisation is aIndustrial Transformation that is industrial revolution which began in the eighteenth century. It spread slowly from England to other European countries. Capitalists have invested in industry and manufacturing expanded. This increased their profits. An economic system in which production and distribution is controlled by the goal of maximizing profits is known as Capitalism. The arrival of large industries was improved great investment. Many nations produced more rather than what they needed and more than they could do settling in their domestic markets. This overproduction has forced them to seek markets. Search markets in industrialized countries in Europe led competition between them. Europeans had already established trade relations with Asians, African and Latin American countries. Exercising political and military power power, European countries exploit these nations economically. Later, they became colonies in European lands. This process it is called Colonization

         TRIPLE ALLIANCE AND THE TRIPLE ENTENTE    Conflicts between the imperialist powers eventually led to a world war. Let's find out why. European nations competed for colonies. This rivalry led to a bitter feud between them and a breach of trust and animosity between them. This prompted the nations to sign military alliances.  The alliances are the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente .the Triple Alliance include Germany Austria Hungary Italy and Triple Entente alliance includes England France Russia

triple entnte,tritriple  alliance,Balkans
AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM.   The formation of such alliances created a state of war in Europe. They began to produce and buy lethal weapons. European nations used various tactics to succeed in their monarchy. Violent nationalism was one of them. This is also known as AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM.

PAN-SLAV,PAN-GERMAN,REVENGE MOVEMNTS European nations used aggressive nationalism to invade other lands. Angry nationalists considered their nations to be superior and justified any actions of their nations. Various movements in Europe such as the Pan-slave, the Pan-German, Revenge movement were the sprout of an aggressive nationalism.

The Russian Movement wanted to unite the Slavic peoples of Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, etc. in Eastern Europe. Under his leadership. As a result, the Pan-Slav Movement was formed with the help of Russia.

Pan-German Movement Establishing its rule in Central Europe and the Balkan provinces, Germany plans to unite Teutoanic people. The Pan-German movement became under German leadership.Which were under French control. To rediscover these areas, Revenge Movement was founded under French leadership.

 MOROCCAN  BALKAN crisis The imperialist war plunged Europe into a series of catastrophes, including the Moroccan catastrophe and the Balkan crisis as a major issue.


.A secret agreement was signed between Britain and France in 1904.According to this, Britain saw France's claim to Morocco. The French claim on Morocco was opposed by Germany which sent warships to the Moroccan port, Agadir. France agreed to transfer part of the French Congo to Germany and Germany agreed to allow Morocco to France. So the problem was temporarily solved. However, their competition continued.

BALKAN CRISIS   The Balkan region is located in Europe, near the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. In 1912, the Balkan League (Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro) defeated Turkey. However, tensions between the Balkan League in the sharing of military benefits led to the dissolution of the Balkan League and resulted in wars between them.

  END OF WORLD WAR  Meanwhile, young Serbian Gaverilo Prinsep assassinated Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne in the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, in July 1914. Austria charged Serbia with it and declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. The United Nations immediately rushed. to help partners. Almost all the nations of the world were directly involved in it, either directly or indirectly. This war is therefore known as the First World War World War I ended in 1918


RESULTS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR produce far-reaching effects everywhere the earth.These are the          following

• More than 10 million people lost their lives or were injured in battle.

• Agriculture, industry and communication system it is destroyed.

• Increased poverty, unemployment and inflation.

• European economic domination has declined.

• Liberation movements in Asia and Africa confirmed.

• In an effort to bring world peace, the  LEAGUE OF NATIONS formed.


A peace conference was convened in Paris in 1919 to discuss the post-war situation, under the leadership of the victorious allies, Britain and France. They signed separate treaties with conquered nations.Among these agreemaents, the Treaty of Versailles was signed with Germany 1919 was a significant year. According to this agreement, German the colonies were divided between the conquering kingdoms and forced to pay large sums of money as payment for war. Partners take  rich German mines. Above all, it was charged with war in Germany and disarmed

  END OF THE WORLD WAR 1.First World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles after Germany's surrender. The war claimed 9 to 13 million lives and caused unprecedented damage. The United States did not sign the treaty because it violated its terms. In particular, the US did not want to become part of the League of Nations. The US wanted secession after WWI, fearing that if it became part of the League of Nations, it would drag them into a war of attrition that they did not want to take part in. theirfore US Senate refused to sign agreement. The US negotiated its agreement with Germany in 1921.


'Grand Illusion', one of the best war films directed by Jean Renoir tells the story of French prisoners duringFirst World War. The prints of 'Grand Illusion' were destroyed by the Nazis but were discovered later. 'All Quiet on the Western Front ‘directed by Lewis Milestone and Stanley Kubrick's 'Paths of Glory' are visual manifestations of the First World War.



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